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Monday, September 24, 2007

Student Debt Consolidation- Manage Your Debts Better

The student debt consolidation is a financing scheme under which the borrower can consolidate a number of loans into just one loan. The student loan refinance consolidation programs are meant to help students manage their loans in a better way with much lower monthly payments, fixed interest rates and lots of other benefits attached to it. florida education is becoming costlier by the day and millions of students require school loan consolidation to finance their florida education. The student debt consolidation with its many features and advantages is a great way to help such students during their florida education and in the repayment afterwards.

Advantages Of The Student Debt Consolidation

In student debt consolidation, you can enjoy fixed interest rates, lower monthly payments and longer loan terms. The average term for students loans is 10 years, while in the school loan consolidation consolidation; it can be extended up to even 30 years.

The interest rates are low and fixed so that the student can borrow more money while keeping the monthly payment quite low at the same time. Many lenders offer graduated repayment, so that students can keep more of their initial salaries for their personal use, rather than for repaying the loan.

For the student debt consolidation, no credit check or co-signers are required. The loan interest is tax deductible and if the person maintains a good repayment record, he is eligible for special rewards and incentives.

Eligibility For Student Debt Consolidation

You are eligible for student debt consolidation if you are in the six month grace period after graduation or youve already started repaying. Also if you have more than one student loan from different lenders totaling over $7,500 and youve not consolidated even once, you can go in for student debt consolidation.

Under the student debt consolidation program, you can get your student loan refinance consolidation done through any bank or credit union that participates in the Federal Family florida education Loan Program or direct federal loansly from the US department of florida education. Since you can consolidate only once, you had better research for the best deals before deciding on your lender and other terms of the loan.

Student debt consolidation is as good as it sounds. There are no catches in it. But if you are ending your repayment term, better not to go for it. In all other cases, its good to do the student loan refinance consolidation as it gives students the advantage to borrow more on low interest and flexible repayment options, also getting longer terms to pay back your loan. So, many students make use of this scheme which provides them with peace of heart and mind.

Student debt consolidation is the answer to the problems of being burdened by multiple loans taken for the purpose of florida education. The student debt consolidation programs are designed to help students manage their debts better and repay their loan with ease. Visit Student Debt Consolidation Loans to know about the federal student debt consolidation and how to use it for your debt pain management.

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Don't Get Cancer

One antidote to cancer is information. In general our responses to cancer are converging, but very slowly. Presently all cancer authorities are agreed on only one thing:

Cancer cannot take hold in a healthy immune system

The World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) is promoting prevention as a better option than treatment and particularly targeting smoking as the highest recogniseable risk area. The Cancer Research Institute (C.R.I.) is seeking vaccines that support the body's own ability to heal. Alternative and holistic approaches seek to do the same with diet, nutrition, lifestyle and other choices.

Different philosophies of medicine achieve 'immune support' in various ways not considered by orthodox Western medicine, which concentrates mainly on 'drugs and surgery' as an afterthought to disease, often just adding more toxins and stress to an overloaded system. Alternative treatments take many forms to support the body in its own healing process.

Although we have constant new biological treatments promised, they usually only apply to a small percentage of cancer types. Change in this field is agonisingly slow and in some cases utterly stuck. Medical science is failing to adapt to the new 'quantum theory' sciences that see the human body from an energy or 'vibrational' perspective. Western 'allopathic' medicine continues to refuse integration with other, older medical philosophies such as Chinese, Ayurvedic, Tibetan, Homeopathy, Herbalism or vibrational treatment.

In truth we don't even have a research methodology that will cope with assessing different treatment forms and levels tuned to an individual patient. So far it is much easier for the orthodox to just deny the effectiveness of alternative ways of healing because they do not make rational scientific sense, than it is to extend their model to include other healing models. The fiscal interest of pharmaceutical companies is also a factor in our lack of access to holistic treatments

The complex cancer situation effects us all directly. One in three people in the 'West' now gets cancer at some point. Many factors are combining to aggravate acute degenerative disorders such as cancer or heart disease, the two top killers in the Western World. These expose the unwary to dangers and this includes the toxic side-effects of allopathic treatments - it is emerging that the third biggest killer may be 'allopathic medicine' itself !

The Cancer Research Industry

Research shows that in UK every year somewhere between 450 to 500 million is spent on cancer research by the pharmaceutical industries, charitable organisations and government. In US an estimated $14 billion dollars (7.72 billion) are spent. A hard-hitting report published in March 2004 by Fortune, an American business magazine and written by Cliff Leaf, himself a cancer survivor, suggests that for several reasons much of this funding and research is misdirected. He claims that despite a total of $200 billion spent on cancer research since 1971 that mortality rates are basically unchanged. The report was all but ignored by mainstream media.

What if he's right? What is much of this money is wasted? What if the research is misdirected? What if much of the work serves no real purpose beyond the generation of profit? That would mean that the cancer research industry is one of the biggest bandwagons ever. Despite many more billions spent world-wide on cancer research there seems very little to show for it. After seeing friends and family cut down in their prime by cancer, and its allopathic treatments, this researcher believes that there is something seriously wrong with accepted wisdom on cancer treatment. The author's local health authority has a twelve million pound overspend this year - the major expenditure? The cost of cancer drugs. Several situations are combining to make cancer a big risk for us all at this time, despite the hard work of many dedicated health service professionals.

Cancer and Orthodox Medical Science

Although medical science has created miracles in dealing with infectious diseases, solving many of the medical problems of the 1940's and 50's, the new weapons against acute degenerative disorders are not yet ready. Genetic testing and counselling, gene therapy, nutrigenomics, advanced (subtle and tuned) radiotherapies, cell therapies, therapuetic cloning, cancer vaccines and even anti-aging therapies are a seemingly constant 10 - 15 years away. This is the 21st century and we are still getting 20th century treatments. This leaves us at the moment in a time of high cancer risk with treatments that are often the medical equivalent of cracking a nut with a sledgehammer. The orthodox treatment of cancer is too often as dangerous as the disease itself.

Alternative treatments for cancer are not given a fair hearing. Information is still actively repressed or marginalised from many sources. The subject of Cancer and alternative treatment must be the original can of worms! Its never a good time to get cancer but there are more options than you might think or even be advised from orthodox treatment centres. For example there are many things one can do to supplement (and ease) orthodox treatments with complementary ones. It is unlikely you will be given information on this unless you seek it out yourself.

Although much research on alternatives is often suppressed there are people who can guide you through the minefield of misinformation, disinformation, ignorance, applied self-interest, politics and other complexities in the field of cancer, whatever choices you make. Support is a central issue in any disease and there are increasing options here with many groups 'online' helping each other with a variety of treatment forms.

An Integrated Approach to Cancer

The cancer discussion needs opening towards a more integrated medicine that is centred on the patient, but even this discussion is presently marginalised. People are finding each other online and comparing notes, even the drug manufacturing industries are predicting that 'patient advocacy' forms a strong part of future medicine. But for true patient advocacy to happen, medical consumers presently need to be at least as, if not better informed than their medical doctors.

There are many options in cancer treatment that are not generally discussed through orthodox medicine. For example group therapy is not widely prescribed or accessible for cancer patients despite the fact that studies show it can actually double survival time. There is mounting evidence of the validity of herbal and nutritional regimes that support the immune system and may complement the sledgehammers of traditional, orthodox treatment, chemo and radiotherapy.

Sometimes complementary therapies are allowed with orthodox treatment but are still limited to only accepted medical philosophies - or that which can be measured through double-blind testing methodologies that basically view every person as the same. The different philosophies of 'medicalism' and 'holism' - which puts people central to their treatment - are still far apart. This is not a situation that is in any way advantageous for those of us who become patients.

Alternative approaches are viewed at best as unproven and are unresearchable using 'quantitative research methodologies'. There are many people wanting a more integrated approach to health care than the drugs and surgery promoted by orthodox allopathic medicine. This is shown by the huge number of people who seek complementary and alternative medicines without the knowledge of their doctors. The main research into treatments that address every aspect of disease and patient still takes place in secret because practices that fall outside of standard medical practice and physicians who offer unconventional cancer treatments may be vulnerable to the civil charge of malpractice. Given the modern quantum sciences and other feasible medical models such as those mentioned there are many more realistic options for treatment than we are presently being offered.

It is easy to be overwhelmed in this field, different people giving different information, which you may need to find, understand and act upon, often 'against the clock'. What is needed is an overview that presents comprehensive information from wide sources in an objective manner.

'Don't Get Cancer' http://www.simonthescribe.co.uk/don'tget1.html

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Local Produce - The Chef's of Summer

I start making regular jaunts to the Farmers Market in late May. The market soothes my impatience after a winter of eating and working with forcibly ripened fruits and vegetables. As soon as the weather starts to warm and the air carries the smell of growing things again. I begin to anticipate summer's exquisite flavors. In the late spring, as the market gears up, I can find- among other things- wild ramp, morels and the first pencil thin asparagus at the Farmer's Market. When the tiny sweet strawberries of western Wisconsin arrive. I know we are well on our way to the full-blown bounty of summer.

I find myself prodding and sniffing the countless shapes and sizes of the deep red and golden heirloom tomatoes. Sweet and musty smelling melons strain on my plastic shopping bag like cannonballs. The market air is filled with the aromas of basil, kohlrabi, fennel, gan-lai, baby bok choy, peaches, blackberries and all the substances I, and anyone who cooks (or eats for that matter), has been waitng for.

The Farmer's Market- not unlike the crowded Marktplatz outside Orchestra Hall during Sommerfest- is a testament to Minnesota's love of summer and its rich culinary pleasures. Whether I'm enjoying a char-grilled bratwurst savored to the strains of Mozart on the plaza or an elegant meal comprised of all my Farmer's Market finds, food is the ultimate celebration of summer. I know I wasn't alone in thinking this way, and I was curious to know to know how other chefs, compatriots in the business, felt about summer and it's all too short palette of ingredients.

Ken Goff, Executive Chef at The Dakota Bar and Grill.
The Dakota Bar and Grill has long been known for both it's premiere spot on the Twin Cities jazz scene as well as Ken Goff's unique locally inspired cuisine. When I asked Ken about the summer foods he looks forward to he gave me an answer in keeping with his unique style. "After the first locally grown chives and sorrel, I look for Fava beans", he said. I found this to be a curious answer and quite unusual for a Midwestern chef. This lima bean like legume is more commonly associated with Middle Eastern cuisine. Ken looks forward to a local product grown for him by farmer Ulrich Blocher. Fava beans aren't as starchy tasting as lima's and surprisingly, they do go well with a good Chianti. Ken uses these fresh fava beans in a Vegetable Chowder. He simmers them, along with sweet corn and smoked trout, to be served alone as a soup or sometimes as a sauce with broiled Walleye.

Jacquelyn Hopkins, Pastry Chef The Saint Paul Hotel
"I know Iced Tea isn't technically a food, but it is what I immediately think of when you mention summer." Jacquelyn was raised in the south and her memories of sweating glasses of sweet tea are what summer is all about. It was a right of passage of sorts when at five years old; she was offered her first glass of iced tea to drink with the adults. This memory was incorporated into a tea flavored Ice Cream she created for the high tea service at the Ritz-Carlton in Philadelphia. For this, she infused Earl Grey in milk then used this milk to make the confection and served it as a finishing course for the mid afternoon break. As a pastry chef with an inherited sweet tooth she longs for the fruit of summer. Her favorite summer dessert, or as she put it "We sometimes had this as our dinner when I was growing up", is Summer Pudding, a Southern trifle of cake, custard and fresh picked fruit. Jackie recommends complementing Summer Pudding with a spinach salad for a cool and flavorful supper on a warm summer night.

Lenny Russo, Executive Chef, W.A. Frost
Lenny's outlook for summer is as expansive as the season is itself. "I grew up as part of a large Italian family with a big garden." His list of summer treasures reads like a seed catalogue. He did however spend more time talking about heirloom tomatoes than anything else, those homegrown varieties particularly with traceable lineages. The combination of small kitchen space at his restaurant and full tables has forced Lenny to refine his dishes to be quick and composed of no more than three flavors. Because of this, "these flavors must be bold and vibrant", he said. So he uses organic greens, farmhouse cheese from Love Tree Farms, heirloom tomatoes and sometimes even Periwinkle Roses grown around the garden. Among his favorite summer dishes is a chilled cucumber soup served with a celery seed crme fraiche and fresh dill, part of what he calls his backyard barbecue with a twist.

Lucia Watson, Chef/Owner, Lucia's Restaurant and Wine Bar
"The flavors of summer are unlike any other season", said Lucia. She looks forward to the intense flavors of local, especially organic, products as much as any chef I talked to. Her menus always reflect the season. So when it comes to summer, you can truly see her love of the season's product and demeanor by the selection of dishes she offers. She personally looks forward to the sweet corn of July and August. She told me about finding a small roadside stand near Afton one summer with the best corn2226 she had ever tasted. When she returned to buy a bushel for her restaurant the farmer and the stand had vanished, never to be found again. This urban legend like tale personifies her desires to work with the best available of the season. She uses sweet corn, from more reliable sources, to make a sauce with chives and cream to be served over grilled catfish. Her favorite summer dish is a Gazpacho Salad combining red and yellow bell peppers with cucumber, scallion, tomatoes, avocado and feta cheese dressed with garlic and cumin infused vinaigrette. This dish epitomizes the season with its fresh flavors and vibrant colors. I have enjoyed this dish myself at one of Lucia's sidewalk tables with some crusty homemade bread while watching the Uptown natives stroll by.

Mark Haugen, Chef/Co-Owner Tejas and Bar Abilene
"There's nothing like biting into a fresh tomato warm from the garden", he said. As soon as Mark said this I was instantly transported to a hot summer day as a child in our family's own garden. Mark grows tomatoes for himself and his family in his own garden at home to relish with the pungent basil planted nearby. But at his restaurants, he looks froward to something a little more exotic to spice up his southwestern flavored menus. For this he has found local producers of tomatillos and heirloom chiles. In fact, some of these hybrid varieties of scotch bonnets and jalapenos come from a gentleman who grows them for competition then sends the plants to the restaurant to be used for both decorations and recipes. I was particularly interested in the way Mark uses my favorite summer vegetable, fresh sweet corn. One dish that really intrigued me was his exquisite hand crafted tamales. These are made by combining masa, ground corn paste, with fresh corn, flavoring it with barbecued pork, wild mushrooms or spicy shrimp then steaming them in a corn husk wrapper.

We all look forward to locally grown produce at the peak of summer for restaurant menus or entertaining at home. Whether its from the Farmer's Market or a special experience with a roadside stand selling sun drenched produce still warm from the fields. There are no other places I can think of, short of growing it yourself, that will provide the serious cook with the stuff summer memories are made of.

Tobie began his career as part of a restaurant and tavern family in culinary arts school chicago. As a student of liberal arts at Kendall College he discovered his calling in the restaurant industry. Leaving school before graduation, he accepted an apprenticeship under Chef John Snowden at Dumas Pere LEcole de la Cuisine Francais.

The classic French apprenticeship prepared him for a career as Chef and consultant. Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises re-opening of the legendary Pump Room in 1977 was his first project. Since then, he has used his creative talents working with restaurants all over the country. He currently resides in Minneapolis working with an active list of consulting projects including, The Sample Room, a renovation of an old bar to a modern eatery Ikes Bar and Grill, classic dining in downtown Minneapolis, Monkey Dish Bar and Grill ; an outrageous fun concept in suburban culinary arts school chicago among others. His articles have appeared in various local publications and he makes regular appearances on radio and TV. He is working on a book called IMPROV COOKING.

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